Yesterday in Toronto the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History launched its four books for 2012. The President, R. Roy McMurtry, and the Editor-in-Chief, Jim Phillips, addressed the gathering, as did the authors of the two monographs--Blake Brown and Shelley Gavigan, the editor of one essay collection, Barrington Walker, and one of the co-editors of the other collection, Bruce Ziff. Every speech was enjoyable (and short!) and the usual fine time was had by all. (We do look forward to Bruce Ziff's next publication with the Society, as he will no doubt be required to perform on the banjo in addition to or in lieu of his launch speech.)
The books for 2012 are as follows (note the titles of all have changed from
what was announced on the Society's website):

The Members' book, received free by members (memberships and non-member book order forms
here) is Arming and Disarming: A History of Gun Control in Canada by R. Blake Brown, published with the University of Toronto Press.
"Optional extras" for the year are

Hunger, Horses and Government Men: Criminal Law on the Aboriginal Plains, 1870-1905, by Shelley A. M. Gavigan, published with
UBC Press,

The African Canadian Legal Odyssey: Historical Essays, edited by Barrington Walker
published with U of T Press,
and last but not least, Property on Trial: Canadian Cases in Context, edited by Eric Tucker, James Muir and Bruce Ziff,
published with Irwin Law
Here's the Table of Contents for the latter volume (the ToC for the other collection is not yet in available for cut and paste purposes):
James Muir, Introduction
Bruce Ziff, The Law of Capture, Newfoundland Style
Eric H. Reiter, Nuisance and Neighbourhood in Late Nineteenth-Century Montreal:
Drysdale v Dugas in Its Contexts
Jamie Benidickson,
KVP: Ontario’s Riparian Resurrection
Philip Girard, Cottages, Covenants and the Cold War:
Galbraith v Madawaska Club
Vanessa Gruben, Angela Cameron and Angela Chaisson, “The courts have turned women into slaves for the men of this world”: Irene Murdoch’s Quest for Justice
Eran Kaplinsky, The Zoroastrian Temple in Toronto: A Case Study in Land Use Regulation, Canadian Style
Jim Phillips and Jeremy Martin,
Manitoba Fisheries v. The Queen: The Origins of Canada’s
De Facto Expropriation Doctrine
Eric Tucker, The Malling of Property Law?: The Toronto Eaton Centre Cases, 1984-1987 and the Right to Exclude
Margaret McCallum,
Morgan and Jacobson v. Attorney General for Prince Edward Island
C. Ian Kyer, Reginav. Stewart: Is Information Property?
Nicholas Blomley, Begging to differ: Panhandling, Public Space, and Municipal Property
Patricia L. Farnese, Pirate or Prophet?
Monsanto Canada Inc. v Schmeiser
Douglas C. Harris, A Railway, a City, and the Public Regulation of Private Property:
CPR v City of Vancouver
Mary Jane Mossman, Afterword–Private Property and the Public Interest: (Re)Telling the Stories of Principles, Places and Parties