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Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Call for Papers/ Appel de communications: 2016 Canadian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting/Réunion annuelle de l’Association canadienne Droit et Société
(La version française suit ci-dessous)
2016 Canadian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting University of Calgary, Calgary, AB
85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences - Energizing Communities Call for Papers
The program committee of the Canadian Law and Society Association invites submissions for its Annual Conference to be held during the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Calgary. The theme for Congress 2016, “Energizing Communities,” provides an excellent opportunity for law and society scholars to explore law’s place in community building and the fostering of pluralistic relationships. We welcome proposals for papers in any area of Law and Society and socio-legal scholarship. We encourage participants to submit suggestions for complete panels and roundtables. Panel organizers should include the following in their submissions: a thematic overview of no more than 500 words, abstracts for each paper (250 words or less), a title for the panel, a one page CV for each presenter and a suggested chair or discussant. Individual submissions are most welcome and should include the following: a title, an abstract (250 words or less) and a one page CV. Please indicate in your submission if you are willing to serve as a panel chair. We are open to having a number of panels that focus on particular themes such as legal history, religious freedom, gender & sexuality, law & technology and indigenous legal knowledge. It may be helpful for presenters to know that the CLSA conference will overlap with the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers on May 30 & 31. There will be a number of events dedicated to graduate students. The conference keynote speaker will be Prof. John McLaren, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria, who will deliver his address at the banquet on May 30. Professor McLaren served as the first Dean of the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Law. Where: University of Calgary, Calgary, AB When: May 28-30, 2016 Deadline: January 31, 2016 Submission information: Please forward panel and paper proposals by email attachment to Nicole O’Byrne, CLSA Vice-President (Conferences) at Please put your last name and the words “CLSA submission” in the subject line. Presenters must be members of the CLSA. They must also register for Congress and pay the Congress fees, including the society fee for the CLSA. Information about registration, accommodation and other Congress activities is available on the Congress website:
Réunion annuelle de l’Association canadienne Droit et Société (2016)
Université de Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
Le 85e Congrès annuel des Sciences humaines : L’Énergie des communautés
Appel de communications
Le comité des programmes de l’ACDS vous invite à soumettre vos contributions en vue de sa Conférence annuelle qui aura lieu lors du Congrès des Sciences humaines 2016 à l’Université de Calgary. Le thème du Congrès 2016, L’Énergie des communautés, offre une excellente occasion d’explorer la place du droit dans le renforcement des collectivités et le pluralisme communautaire.
Toutes contributions relatives aux disciplines s’intéressant au droit et société, ainsi qu’aux recherches sociojuridiques sont bienvenues. L’Association encourage les participants à soumettre leurs contributions pour des présentations individuelles et des tables rondes. Les organisateurs de tables rondes doivent nous faire parvenir l’aperçu thématique (500 mots maximum), le résumé de chaque présentation (250 mots maximum), le titre de la table ronde, le curriculum vitae (1 page) de chaque orateur, ainsi que le nom d’une personne qu’on propose comme modérateur. Les propositions de présentations individuelles doivent inclurent : un titre, un résumé (250 mots maximum) et un curriculum vitae (1 page). Veuillez aussi indiquer si vous souhaitez siéger en tant que modérateur. L’ACDS accueille tout particulièrement les propositions pour des groupes de discussion portant sur des thèmes reliés à l’histoire juridique, la liberté de religion, le genre et la sexualité, le droit et la technologie, ainsi que les questions juridiques relatives aux autochtones.
Il pourrait s’avérer utile aux personnes qui présentent de savoir que la réunion annuelle de l’ACDS coïncide avec le Colloque annuel de l’Association canadienne des professeurs de droit, le 30-31 mai 2016. De nombreuses activités sont prévues pour les étudiants diplômés. Le professeur émérite John McLaren de la faculté de droit de l’Université de Victoria sera le conférencier principal. Professeur McLaren a été le premier doyen de la faculté de droit de l’Université de Calgary. Sa présentation aura lieu lors du banquet le 30 mai.
Lieu : Université de Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
Dates du Congrès : du 28-30 mai 2016
Échéancier : Le 31 janvier 2016
Format : Toutes les communications doivent être soumises en pièces jointes, par courrier électronique, à Nicole O’Byrne, vice-présidente (conférences) de l’ACDS à Veuillez indiquer votre nom de famille, ainsi que les mots Contributions ACDS dans le champ « Objet ». Pour présenter, vous devez être membre de l’ACDS. Vous devez aussi compléter votre inscription au Congrès et acquitter les frais d’inscription au Congrès, qui comprennent aussi les frais de conférence pour l’ACDS.
Des renseignements supplémentaires portant sur l’inscription, le logement et le programme des activités du Congrès sont offerts sur le site Internet du Congrès à
Allard School of Law History Project LLM Scholarship
Allard School of Law History Project LLM Scholarship
The Peter A. Allard School of Law is offering a one-year scholarship of $15,000 to support an LLM student during the 2016-17 academic year who intends to use the materials and resources available through the Allard School of Law History Project to write a thesis on the history of legal education or the legal profession, or on some other aspect of British Columbia’s legal history.
Allard School of Law History Project
Through the generous donation of Peter A. Allard, Q.C., the Law School established the Allard School of Law History Project to collect, preserve, and communicate its rich history and the history of legal education and the legal profession in British Columbia. Using an online archive to allow broad access, the Project aims to capture something of the experiences of people who passed through the school as students, faculty, or staff, and of those who have made significant contributions to the development of the law in British Columbia. This involves collecting documentary material and an ambitious oral history project. More than 40 interviews are already lodged in the UBC Archives and available on the Allard School of Law History Project website: Work continues to build the documentary and oral histories collection.
Allard History Project LLM Scholarship
The Allard School of Law History Project LLM Scholarship is to support a student who intends to use the material collected through the Project in his or her LLM thesis, and, by doing so, to contribute to the history of the legal profession and/or to the legal history of British Columbia.
To apply, include an expression of interest in the History Project LLM Scholarship in your LLM application (details below) and provide details of how you propose to use the History Project materials in your thesis proposal. Please contact Douglas Harris, Nathan T. Nemetz Chair in Legal History (, if you have questions about the Allard School of Law History Project or the LLM Scholarship.
The LLM degree at UBC is a research-based degree that includes course work and a substantial piece of original legal scholarship in the form of a thesis written under the supervision of a faculty member.
The application deadline for the program beginning September 2016 is December 15th, 2015. Further information about UBC’s LLM degree and the admission process is available at
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Tillotson, Warfare State, Welfare State, and the Selling of the Personal Income Tax, 1942-1945 on SSRN
Shirley Tillotson of the history department at Dalhousie University, has posted "Warfare State, Welfare State, and the Selling of the Personal Income Tax, 1942-1945" on SSRN. The article also appears in Canadian Tax Journal/Revue Fiscale Canadienne ( vol. 63, 1)
This article examines lower-income Canadians' protests around the personal income tax aspects of Canadian war finance during the Second World War. It describes criticisms of the 1942 amendments to the Income War Tax Act and the means by which lower-income Canadians registered their concerns, through absenteeism, labour organization, and participation in public debate, drawing on their resources as voters (through political parties) and as prospective contributors to war savings campaigns. The finance minister and others took these protests seriously as a threat to war finance and the stabilization program. Consequently, the Department of Finance and the Department of National Revenue, together with the Wartime Information Board, responded vigorously to the protests, through various public relations campaigns and through a series of amendments to the tax statute. These responses to tax protest contributed to the process, normally seen as driven by either macroeconomics or social security ideology, or both, that led to Canada's Family Allowance Act, a landmark in the evolution of the Canadian welfare state. By pointing to the influence of tax protest by smaller income tax payers on the decision to expand the welfare state, the story told here shows how the communitarian public opinion of the war years was also shaped in part by self-interested pocketbook politics.
This article examines lower-income Canadians' protests around the personal income tax aspects of Canadian war finance during the Second World War. It describes criticisms of the 1942 amendments to the Income War Tax Act and the means by which lower-income Canadians registered their concerns, through absenteeism, labour organization, and participation in public debate, drawing on their resources as voters (through political parties) and as prospective contributors to war savings campaigns. The finance minister and others took these protests seriously as a threat to war finance and the stabilization program. Consequently, the Department of Finance and the Department of National Revenue, together with the Wartime Information Board, responded vigorously to the protests, through various public relations campaigns and through a series of amendments to the tax statute. These responses to tax protest contributed to the process, normally seen as driven by either macroeconomics or social security ideology, or both, that led to Canada's Family Allowance Act, a landmark in the evolution of the Canadian welfare state. By pointing to the influence of tax protest by smaller income tax payers on the decision to expand the welfare state, the story told here shows how the communitarian public opinion of the war years was also shaped in part by self-interested pocketbook politics.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Dale Gibson, Law, Life, and Government at Red River, Volume 1 Settlement and Governance, 1812-1872
Now available from The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History and McGill-Queen's University Press, Law, Life, and Government at Red River, Volume 1 Settlement and Governance, 1812-1872 by Dale Gibson. (This is also number 13 in the Rupert's Land Record Series.)
Here's the Osgoode Society blurb:
Here's the MQUP blurb.
Here's the Osgoode Society blurb:
The General Quarterly Court of Assiniboia can justly be called the first ‘British’ court in western Canada. Although there were predecessor institutions and judicial arrangements for hearing criminal and civil cases, the establishment of the Quarterly Court in the 1830s put the administration of justice in the Red River region on a firm and regularised footing.
Professor Gibson’s comprehensive history of the Court weaves together the legal history of Red River with its social, economic, and political history. At the centre piece of this book sits the complete court proceedings of the General Quarterly Court from 1844 until 1872, which are examined in detail and in context to provide a compelling narrative of the administration of substantial rather than formal justice in a Company community.
Here's the MQUP blurb.
A new view of frontier justice in western Canada’s first major settlement through the eyes of its courts and witnesses.
Inhabited by a diverse population of First Nations peoples, Métis, Scots, Upper and Lower Canadians, and Americans, and dominated by the commercial and governmental activities of the Hudson’s Bay Company, Red River - now Winnipeg - was a challenging settlement to oversee. This illuminating account presents the story of the unique legal and governmental system that attempted to do so and the mixed success it encountered, culminating in the 1869-70 Red River Rebellion and confederation with Canada in 1870.
In Law, Life, and Government at Red River, Dale Gibson provides rich, revealing glimpses into the community, and its complex relations with the Hudson’s Bay: the colony’s owner, and primary employer. Volume 1 details the history of the settlement’s establishment, development, and ambivalent relationship with the legal and undemocratic, but gradually, grudgingly, slightly, more representitive [sic], governmental institutions forming in the area, and the legal system’s evolving engagement with the Aboriginal population.
A vivid look into early settler life, Law, Life, and Government at Red River offers insights into the political, commercial, and legal circumstances that unfolded during western expansion.
In Law, Life, and Government at Red River, Dale Gibson provides rich, revealing glimpses into the community, and its complex relations with the Hudson’s Bay: the colony’s owner, and primary employer. Volume 1 details the history of the settlement’s establishment, development, and ambivalent relationship with the legal and undemocratic, but gradually, grudgingly, slightly, more representitive [sic], governmental institutions forming in the area, and the legal system’s evolving engagement with the Aboriginal population.
A vivid look into early settler life, Law, Life, and Government at Red River offers insights into the political, commercial, and legal circumstances that unfolded during western expansion.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Sarah Hamill 2015-6 Catalyst Fellow at Osgoode Hall Law School
I'm so sorry I missed this when it was announced in the spring.
Congratulations, Sarah! We are so happy to have you back in Toronto. (Sad for the legal history community in Edmonton though.)
Note to all: Please send me your announcements and achievements so I can spread the news, since I do miss a lot despite best efforts. I promise I won't take it as boasting!
Congratulations, Sarah! We are so happy to have you back in Toronto. (Sad for the legal history community in Edmonton though.)
Note to all: Please send me your announcements and achievements so I can spread the news, since I do miss a lot despite best efforts. I promise I won't take it as boasting!
Tribute to Roy McMurtry held at Osgoode Hall
Yesterday evening members of the bench and bar, academics, and friends of Canadian Legal History gathered at Osgoode Hall in Toronto to thank Roy McMurtry, founder and long time president of the Osgoode Society on the occasion of his retirement from the presidency.

Thankfully, Roy will continue to be involved with the society as past president.
Call for Papers: Conference to honour Doug Hay, Osgoode Hall Law School, May 5, 2016
To honour the recent retirement of Professor C. Douglas Hay from York University, where he held appointments in the Department of History and Osgoode Hall Law School, a conference in his honour will be held at York University on Thursday, 5 May 2016. “Doug” is one of the best-known legal historians in the English-speaking world, an achievement recently recognized when the American Society of Legal History named him an honorary fellow. While his scholarship has been devoted primarily to British topics, Doug has also contributed to Canadian legal history, particularly with respect to post-1760 Quebec. His work on both Britain and Canada has been an inspiration to Canadian scholars for its scope, ambition, sophistication and creative utilization of sources, while providing interpretive frameworks that have been readily adopted in a broad range of Canadian scholarship.
The organizers expect that the British historical community will find its own way of honouring Doug. This conference is aimed at Canadianists who have worked on topics or themes similar to those found in Doug’s scholarship, or who have employed his approaches in their own writing. We are particularly interested in hearing from Doug’s former graduate students. Proposals are welcome from scholars or graduate students in any academic discipline, from independent scholars, and from those in professional practice. The only substantive requirement is that the proposal engage with the nexus of law and history in some way.
A selection of the papers will appear in a theme issue of the Osgoode Hall Law Journal devoted to Doug’s career and legacy. Papers chosen as candidates for publication must pass through the Journal's peer review requirements.
500-word paper proposals should be sent to us at the email addresses below by Monday 7 December 2015. Decisions will be made early in January 2016. Applications for funding are in progress and we aim to provide reimbursement for travel costs of graduate students, pre-tenure scholars and those in precarious work situations. Please indicate in your proposal whether you are likely to need such support.
Philip Girard, Osgoode Hall Law School,
Jim Phillips, University of Toronto Faculty of Law & Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History,
William Wicken, York University Department of History,
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