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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Call for Papers – Canadian Law and Society’s Mid-Winter Meeting & Symposium

Call for Papers – Canadian Law and Society’s Mid-Winter Meeting & Symposium
This is a general call for participation in the CLSA’s Annual Mid-Winter Meeting & Symposium, which will take place at the Faculty of Law, University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, NB January 20-21, 2017. The Mid-Winter Meeting is a relatively small, informal gathering and a great way to connect with CLSA members from across the country and to get involved in the organization. The theme for this year is Piluwitahasuwawsuwakon (the Wolastoqey word for Changing Minds, Living the Truth) as part of our continuing engagement and response to the challenges put forward in the Truth and Reconciliation Committee’s Calls to Actions. The keynote address, “Sāsipihkeȳihtamowin: Restorying the Indigenous Feminine in an Age of Reconciliation,” will be delivered by Dr. Margaret Kress-White (Mi’kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre, UNB). David Perley, the Director of the Mi’kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre, and Imelda Perley, UNB’s Elder-in-Residence, will host a traditional welcome cerem! ony to which all are invited to participate. Members are strongly encouraged to organize round table discussions or panels around the main theme as well as other issues within socio-legal scholarship such as law and religion, crime and punishment, socio-legal methods, legal history or any other research area that is of interest. Individual submissions for paper presentations are also welcome.
Please send a brief abstract or description of your roundtable, panel or individual paper (up to 250 words) to Nicole O’Byrne ( no later than 20 December 2016. The CLSA board meeting will take place late afternoon Saturday January 21st . Please note that all presenters must be members of the CLSA at the time of the conference. There is no charge for registration but please let us know if you plan to attend. We hope to see you in Fredericton in January! Dr. Lyndsay Campbell, President Dr. Nicole O’Byrne, Vice-President (Conferences) Artwork courtesy of Christi Belcourt.

Appel à communications - Symposium et Réunion d'hiver de l'Association canadienne Droit et Société
Nous lançons un appel général à ceux et celles qui souhaitent participer au Symposium et à la Réunion d'hiver de l'ACDS qui auront lieu à la Faculté de Droit, de la University of New Brunswick à Fredericton, N.-B., le 20-21 janvier 2017. La réunion d'hiver est un petit rassemblement informel qui offre l'occasion idéale de réseauter avec les membres de l'ACDS de partout au pays et de s'impliquer dans l'organisation. Dans le cadre de notre engagement continu et de notre réponse aux enjeux mis de l'avant par le Comité de vérité et réconciliation, le thème de cette année est Piluwitahasuwawsuwakon (le mot en Wolastoqey qui veut dire « Changer les mentalités, Vivre la vérité »). Le discours thème, « Sāsipihkēyihtamowi : Restorying the Indigenous Feminine in an Age of Reconciliation », sera présenté par M me Margaret Kress (Centre Mi’kmaq-Wolastoqey, UNB). David Perley, directeur du Centre Mi'kmaq-Wolastoqey, et Imelda Perley, l'aînée-résiden! te de l'UNB, seront les hôtes d'une cérémonie de bienvenue traditionnelle à laquelle tous sont invités à participer. Les membres sont fortement encouragé-e-s à organiser des tables rondes ou des groupes de discussion mixtes autour du thème principal, ainsi que d'autres questions en lien avec l'approche sociojuridique telles que le droit et la religion, les crimes et châtiments, les méthodes sociojuridiques, l'histoire du droit ou tout autre domaine de recherche qui est d'intérêt. Les présentations de communications individuelles sont également les bienvenues.
Veuillez faire parvenir un bref résumé ou une description de votre table ronde, groupe de discussion ou communications individuelles (jusqu'à 250 mots) à Nicole O'Byrne ( au plus tard le 20 décembre 2016. La réunion du Conseil de l'ACDS aura lieu en fin d'après-midi samedi 21 janvier. Veuillez noter que tous les présentateurs doivent être membres de l'ACDS au moment de la réunion. Il n'y a pas de frais d'inscription, mais veuillez nous aviser si vous souhaitez participer. Nous espérons vous voir à Fredericton en janvier ! Lyndsay Campbell, présidente Nicole O'Byrne, vice-présidente (conférences) Œuvre artistique gracieusement offerte par Christi Belcourt

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Nominations sought for new ASLH prize for book on legal history (non-US)

via H-Net

The American Society for Legal History announces the Peter Gonville Stein Book Award, to be presented annually for the best book in legal history written in English. This award is designed to recognize and encourage the further growth of fine work in legal history that focuses on all non-US regions, as well as global and international history. To be eligible, a book must sit outside of the field of US legal history and be published during the previous two calendar years. Announced at the annual meeting of the ASLH, this honor includes a citation on the contributions of the work to the broader field of legal history. A book may only be considered for the Stein Award, the Reid Award, or the Cromwell Book Prize. It may not be nominated for more than one of these three prizes.
The Stein Award is named in memory of Peter Gonville Stein, BA, LLB (Cantab); PhD (Aberdeen); QC; FBA; Honorary Fellow, ASLH, and eminent scholar of Roman law at the University of Cambridge, and made possible by a generous contribution from an anonymous donor.
For the 2017 prize, the Stein Award Committee will accept nominations of any book that bears a copyright date of 2015 or 2016 as it appears on the printed version of the book.
Nominations for the Stein Award should be submitted by March 15, 2017. Please send an e-mail to and include: (1) a curriculum vitae of the author; and (2) the name, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number of the contact person at the press who will provide the committee with two copies of the book. This person will be contacted shortly after the deadline. (If a title is short-listed, six further copies will be requested from the publisher.)
Please contact the committee chair, Mitra Sharafi, with any questions:

Friday, November 25, 2016

CFP: CSECS/ NEASECS Joint Conference, Toronto, 18-22 October 2017

(h/t Carol Percy)

CSECS – Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies / NEASECS – Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Joint Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 18-22 October 2017

From Cosmopolitans to Cosmopolitanisms

Proposals for panels due by 1 February 2017
Proposals for papers due by 1 March 2017

Across the long eighteenth century virtually every form of visual and textual representation and almost every area of intellectual enquiry was transformed by a changing sense of the world and its inhabitants. That change came in response to the practical experience of intercultural communication and exchange arising from both increased commerce and increasingly global conflict. Narratives of travel and contact, images depicting cultural difference both small and large, fictions of worlds new, old and exotic flooded the cultural marketplace. Theorists of statecraft and governance both then and now recognize this period as a crucial moment where conceptions of nationhood, empire, citizenship, diplomacy and globality were first broached. Kant’s desire for a cosmopolitical future was partly spurred by a century of almost continual war.

For their joint annual meeting, the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies and the Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies invite panel and paper submissions that address this topic in all of its complexity. The meeting will be held at the Chelsea Hotel in Toronto, Ontario, 18-22 October 2017 and is co-hosted by colleagues from the University of Toronto and local institutions including Humber College, Ryerson University and York University.

We invite proposals that investigate the cosmopolitan in a range of fields, including but not limited to literature, art and architecture, book history, education, geography, history, history of science, indigenous studies, law, linguistics, music, philosophy and political science. Among the many issues raised under this topic the organizing committee is interested in panels and proposals that address the definition of cosmopolitanism itself both in the eighteenth century and within our current critical moment, the practice of intercultural exchange that leads to the assertion or cancellation of cosmopolitan identity, the circulation of goods and peoples that impinge on emergent and disappearing understandings of the “world” and its citizens, the theorization of the desire for identities beyond that of nation, tribe or clan, the resistances to such “worlding” desires, and the specific representation of cultural contact, cultural difference and exchange. This may well be a conference populated by travellers, pirates, painters, diplomats, merchants, jurists, castaways and philosophers, some no doubt enthusiastic to the promises of cosmopolitanism, some attuned to its cost, and some skeptical about its claims.

In keeping with CSECS and NEASECS tradition, panels and papers devoted to elements of the long eighteenth century not directly related to the conference theme are also welcome. Papers in either French or English are welcome. Individual proposals should include a 150-word abstract of the paper and its title, and a 150-word biographical statement including your name, academic status, institutional affiliation, membership (CSECS/NEASECS), and e-mail address. Panel proposals should include the above, as well as a brief description of the panel itself.

Please send panel proposals by 1 February 2017; paper proposals by 1 March 2017 to email

SCEDHS – Societé canadienne d’étude du dix-huitième siècle / NEASECS – Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Congrès annuel conjoint, Toronto, Ontario, 18-22 octobre 2017
Des cosmopolites aux cosmopolitismes 
Date d’échéance des propositions de session : 1er février 2017
Date d’échéance des propositions individuelles : 1er mars 2017

Tout au long du 18e siècle, de nombreux champs du savoir sont redéfinis par de nouvelles perceptions du monde. Ces changements résultent du nombre croissant d’échanges interculturels qui se tissent à la fois dans la sphère du commerce et des affaires militaires. Les récits de voyage avec leurs représentations des différences culturelles, ainsi que les fictions décrivant d’anciens et de nouveaux mondes, envahissent plus que jamais les étals des libraires. Au 18e siècle déjà, et encore davantage aujourd’hui, on s’accorde pour considérer cette période comme un moment charnière où s’intensifie la réflexion politique sur les notions de nation, d’empire, de citoyenneté, de diplomatie et d’universalisme. Par ailleurs, ce sont aussi les guerres presque continuelles du siècle qui incitent Kant à réfléchir à un avenir cosmopolite.

En vue de leur réunion annuelle, la Société canadienne d’étude du dix-huitième siècle (SCEDHS) et la Société de l’Amérique du Nord-Est pour l’étude du dix-huitième siècle (NEASECS) sollicitent des propositions de séance et de communication sur le thème du cosmopolitisme. Co-organisé par des collègues de l’Université de Toronto, de l’Université York, de l’Université Ryerson ainsi que du Humber College, le congrès aura lieu à l’hôtel Chelsea, à Toronto, du 18 au 22 octobre 2017.

Nous sollicitons des propositions qui portent sur la notion de cosmopolitisme provenant de divers champs de savoir : histoire, littérature, philosophie, science politique, études autochtones, histoire de l’art, histoire du livre, histoire des sciences, pédagogie et éducation, géographie, droit, linguistique et musique. Le comité organisateur portera une attention particulière aux propositions de communication et de séance dédiées à la définition du cosmopolitisme, que ce soit au 18e siècle ou à notre époque marquée par la globalisation, à la circulation des biens et des personnes, à la formation d’identités cosmopolites, aux concepts de « monde » et de « citoyen », à la résistance aux idéaux cosmopolites, sans oublier la représentation concrète des différences culturelles et des échanges interculturels.

En accord avec les traditions respectives des deux Sociétés hôtes, les communications et les séances consacrées à d’autres sujets sont également les bienvenues. Les propositions peuvent être rédigées en français ou en anglais.

Les propositions individuelles doivent contenir le titre de la communication, un résumé de 150 mots, de même qu’une brève notice biographique indiquant votre nom, votre adresse électronique, votre statut académique, ainsi que votre affiliation. Les propositions de session doivent contenir ces éléments pour chacun des participants, en plus d’une courte description du panel.

Date d’échéance des propositions de session : 1er février 2017.
Date d’échéance des propositions individuelles: 1er mars 2017.
Veuillez SVP faire parvenir vos propositions à

Friday, November 18, 2016

Successful LLM thesis defense by Suzie Chiodo on Ontario Class Proceedings Act

(h/t Philip Girard)

On November 16, Suzie Chiodo successfully defended her LLM thesis at Osgoode Hall Law School, entitled "Class Roots:  The Genesis of the Ontario Class Proceedings Act, 1966-1993."  Philip Girard was the thesis supervisor, Justice Paul Perell was second reader, Jamie Benidickson of the University of Ottawa was the external examiner, and Janet Walker of Osgoode chaired the examination committee. The abstract reads in part as follows: 

"Nearly 25 years since its passage, the Ontario Class Proceedings Act has become one of the most frequently debated procedural mechanisms of its kind. The CPA came about following the release of the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee (AGAC) Report in 1990. None of the current narratives explain how this Report pulled together so many divergent interests where previous attempts had failed. My thesis answers this question with reference to the historical sources and the legal, political and social changes that took place throughout this period."
This thesis also highlights the unique nature of the AGAC consultation process, which saw the negotiation of a consensus between the parties and the subsequent drafting of legislation. Although this process was effective, however, it led to compromises and a lack of democratic oversight that continue to affect the CPA and its goals of access to justice to this day."
Through a combination of archival sleuthing and interviewing, Suzie reconstructed the unusual process by which the Ontario Class Proceedings Act saw the light of day.  A unique consultation process involving major (but not all) stakeholders led to a consensus and ultimately the Act, but at the cost of some significant compromises and a lack of democratic oversight that continue to affect the CPA to this day. The examining committee unanimously rated the thesis as "outstanding."  
After a BA at Oxford and an early career in journalism, Suzie emigrated to Canada and did a law degree at Western, where she worked with Rande Kostal. She then joined the well-known class actions firm Rochon Genova LLP, where her work obviously inspired her choice of thesis topic. 

Congratulations Suzie!  

Thursday, November 17, 2016

LLM scholarship for thesis on BC legal history

(Via Doug Harris)

UBC Allard School of Law History Project LLM Scholarship
The Peter A. Allard School of Law is offering a one-year scholarship of $15,000 to support an LLM student during the 2017-18 academic year to write a thesis on some aspect of British Columbia’s legal history, with preference for a student working on the history of legal education or the legal profession and who intends to use the materials available through the Allard School of Law History Project.